October 1st

How can so many people know the story about a nun who lived about a century ago in a small french convent? I can answer that with three words: The Little Way.
St. Therese of Lisieux lived a somewhat privileged life as a youth. She was prone to fits if she did not get her way. But as she would grow into her teen years, she would grow extremely close to Jesus, to the point where she even desired to join the convent (monastery) at the age of 14.
After experiencing many trials to enter the convent at such an early age, she was finally admitted because of her perseverance. She felt that it was the will of God that she be there. Convent life was not easy for her at first. She struggled mightily she would reflect; however, by a special grace she would continue.
One day, her superior gave her the task of writing a journal (known today as "The Story of a Soul") sort of as a form of prayer. It was through this experience and the experience from prayer that she would eventually adapt what is known as "the little way." She felt as though the world always looks for grand gestures from people; however, she felt that the small things in life were what the Lord desired the most. It was almost as though she was taking the words of Scripture into her own life, "don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing..." Christ told His disciples. She found that she could love Jesus more through these acts of Charity.
On October 1st, we honor this wonderful Saint. If you'd like to read the document of Pope John Paul II declaring St. Therese a Doctor of the Church, click here.