The Tilma of Guadalupe
Here are a few interesting facts about the tilma and Our Lady of Guadalupe:
1.Juan Diego's tilma, which contains the image, has lasted over 500 years. The traditional tilma woven out of cactus fibers, the same as Juan's, lasts about 20 years.
2. The image of Mary upon the tilma actually are of constellations that would have appeared in the Mexican sky on the 12th of December in the year 1531 (in reverse order).
3. Scientists have examined the tilma. In fact, NASA has performed an extensive examination of the image and have come up with an astounding discovery. It is said that the image is made out of something that has never existed on earth. Some would even call it a "living image" as NASA calls it.
4. Scientists have examined the eyes of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe very carefully. They noticed two distinct things about the eyes. The first is that there seems to be an image in the pupil of Mary's eye. Upon closer examination, it would appear to be the image of Juan Diego upon receiving the roses from Mary. The second fascinating feature of the eyes are that scientists say they miraculously respond to light. Like point number 3, it would appear that the image of Our Lady is living.
5. At the level of her belt, scientists were able to discover a fetal heart beat of about 115 beats per second by using a stethoscope.