LeBron James talks Jesus Christ
As a priest people expect for me to speak about my faith. There is also an expectation that I will bear my faith wherever I go. This is something that I am proud to embrace.
I do think that it is odd, almost shocking, when we hear celebrities and professional athletes speaking about their faith. Sometimes these athletes are even criticized for their faith (think of the story of Tim Tebow). I'll admit that I get goosebumps, and I may not be the only one, every time an athlete or celebrity speaks about his or her faith. I get a huge smile on my face when I see athletes making the sign of the cross or pointing to heaven.
As a priest from the Cleveland-area, it was a great joy to hear LeBron James speak about his faith recently in an interview. The Cavaliers spent most of the beginning of the 2015-2016 season very injured. Instead of responding to a question about sureties when it comes to having his whole team healthy, LeBron spoke about the only surety in his life is his faith in Jesus Christ. LeBron, like most athletes, are often under the microscope by culture. The world is always waiting for them to mess up so that they can make a big deal about it. We always have to remember that pro athletes and celebrities are not invincible. They are people trying to live their lives and we are very blessed to occasionally share part of their work.
Listen to the clip below: