The Agony in the Garden (Luke 22:39-46)
We find ourselves in the evening of Holy Thursday. Jesus has just celebrated the Passover with His disciples and has washed their feet. He shares with them what will transpire; however, they have a difficult time understanding. Jesus realizes that He needs to communicate with the only one who does understand: His heavenly Father.

This moment in the Garden is the moment the choice is made to undergo His Passion. When He discovers that His disciples are sleeping, Jesus could have escaped under the protection of the darkness. We have to wonder if this was an option He considers as he catches His disciples sleeping. We must remember that while Jesus was 100% Divine, He was also 100% Human. He felt and was tempted just as we are today. The fate of humanity rested on His decision.
All of us make decisions on a daily basis both big and small. Very few of us actually include God in on those decisions. The next time we struggle with making a decision, consider turning to the source of strength, God Himself, just as Jesus turned to Him in the moment of His agony. We may never sweat blood when we consider our decisions, but we can be assured of receiving divine strength when we enter into the Garden with Jesus. If you doubt the strength of that Garden, remind yourself that the fate of heaven and earth rested on His one decision.