This weekend we hear the story of the Vine and the Branches. Jesus calls Himself the Vine and tells His disciples that they are the branches. As branches they're called to produce fruit, but sometimes those branches don't produce fruit. Now, we have to take ourselves to the mindset of a 1st century Jew in order to understand this message a little bit more.
In the 1st century, folks living in the area of Jerusalem were very familiar with fruit producing plants. They understood that healthy plants produced the most fruit... figs, grapes, olives, etc. So when Jesus calls Himself the True Vine, they listen intently to His message. They want to know where He is going with it. In a way, Jesus wants His disciples to imitate Himself. They are to go out and serve others, especially the most vulnerable in the world around them. They are to seek out the outcast. This is the fruit that Jesus wants.

We're called to ask ourselves, what fruit are we able to show to the Lord this day? What have we done for Him and His people?